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Updated: Apr 2, 2024

Congrats, you're taking a step towards building your mental health and wellness by looking for a therapist. And you're looking at me! Here are a few myths and truths about therapy from a therapist who also goes to therapy.

Myth: You Have to Cry

This is a safe space for emotional release, and it's fair to expect you may have a physical reaction to therapy. You are allowed to cry, and also it is not my job to make you cry. My role is to observe and share patterns, thoughts, and questions while navigating your needs.

Truth: Healing Can Get Uncomfortable

Healing is not linear. Sometimes we have to go through discomfort and growing pains while we flex new mental muscles and build our resiliency brick by brick. My expertise informs my discernment on appropriate times to challenge you or change course.

Myth: Therapists Gossip About Patients

Not if I wanted to lose my license.

Truth: The One Exception to Breaking Confidentiality

With therapist-client confidentiality, no one can have access to knowledge about our sessions from me without your consent. In the event you are at risk of harm to yourself or others, I may need to contact your emergency contact or share information from our sessions to another healthcare provider. These actions need your prior written consent.

Myth: Therapy is a Luxury, Not for Everyone

It's true, therapy comes at a cost. Not just in the financial commitment, but dedicating time and effort to find a therapist and exercising new emotional tools for your well being. Consider this: would that time and money otherwise be spent on "therapeutic" purchases and experiences that are valuable to you, yet only scratch the surface of what you need?

Truth: Therapy is for You!

This is your space. You are the expert of your own experience, your body, your spirit. As your therapist, I walk this journey with you.

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